Q. How can / Can marketing department submit a contract of fabric on mentioned date in contract?
Ans. SCM can easily handle this problem (marketing person will only put a sales contract no. (fabric order in meters), and SCM will give him a nearest possible date of completion date).
Q. Is this software helpful for purchase department to purchase yarn against any order?
Ans. Yes, SCM produces yarn demands against orders and also calculate consumed yarn cost in an order.
Q. The Yarn will be received at the mill gate, can gatekeeper acknowledge receipt online?
Ans. Yes SCM generate Yarn receive receipt.
Q. Yarn is stored in warehouse can SCM control the yarn location?
Ans. Yes SCM Yarn Module controls yarn location and also generate yarn location receipts and reports.
Q. When the yarn will be issued to warping department or to weaving for weft against sales contract no. The quantity of issued yarn will be calculated automatically by the SCM?
Ans. Yes, SCM Yarn Module will calculate the issued yarn quantity against sales contract and also the cost of yarn issued.
Q. Can we get yarn consumption?
Ans. SCM produces various types of yarn consumption reports like
• Yarn consumption report (Weft – Warp)
• Yarn Contraction Report
• Yarn Wastage Report and more
Q. Is there any possibility of connectivity of SCM Yarn Module (yarn stock, yarn consumption) with Purchase department?
Ans. Yes SCM Yarn Module could be connected (on line) with Purchase department.
Q. Will SCM help purchase department to calculate chemical consumption and requirement in Sizing?
Ans. Yes, in SCM Sizing Module there is complete detailed chemical store and chemical consumption information, so this module can easily generate the sizing chemical cost against any sales contract order and produce it to purchase department (on line)
Q. In warping and sizing, can SCM provide the atomization (connectivity to Warping and sizing machines)?
Ans. Yes, SCM has the capability of atomization (but it depends on the warping and sizing machine version (is machine provide interfacing))
Q. Can warping incharge Affix a SCM generated Slip (which contains warping details like date, lot no, beam length, total ends, etc) on each warped beam, and transport the warped beam to the sizing department?
Ans. Yes, in SCM warping, sizing Module this type of slip will be generated and pasted on warped beam.
Q. How SCM will control the beam assignment on loom?
Ans. After beam sizing, the beam will automatically go in sized beam stock and will be ready for assignment then through beam assignment entry the beam will be assigned to loom.
Q. Can SCM automatically calculate no of looms required to produce the required fabric for shipment on the date mentioned in the contract?
Ans. Yes, because the basic Theme of SCM is the planning of production
Q. Can Sizing incharge Affix a SCM generated Slip (which contains Sizing details like date and time of sizing, lot no, beam length, etc) on each Sized beam, and transport the sized beam to the weaving department?
Ans. Yes, in SCM warping, sizing Module this type of slip will be generated and pasted on warped beam.
Q. Can Loom Production incharge affix a SCM generated Slip (which contains Production details like date and time of roll doffing, lot no, contract no., roll length, weaver information, etc) on each doffed roll, and transport the doffed roll to the Fabric inspection department?
Ans. Yes, in Weaving Module this type of slip will be generated and pasted on doffed roll.
Q. Can Inspection incharge Affix a SCM generated Slip (which contains Inspection details like date and time of roll inspection, lot no, contract no., Inspected roll length, inspector information, etc) on each inspected roll, and transport the inspected roll to the folding department?
Ans. Yes, in SCM FIQC Module this type of slip will be generated and pasted on inspected roll.
Q. Can folding incharge Affix a SCM generated Slip (which contains folding details like date and time of roll folding, lot no, contract no., Fold piece length, folder information, etc) on each folded roll, and transport the folded roll to the packing department?
Ans. Yes, in SCM FIQC Module this type of slip will be generated and pasted on Folded roll.
Q. Can Packing incharge Affix a SCM generated Slip (which contains packing details like date and time of roll packing, lot no, contract no., quantity of fabric in bale/roll (grade wise), etc) on each folded roll, and transport the folded roll to the packing department?
Ans. Yes, in SCM FIQC Module this type of slip will be generated and pasted on bale/roll.
Q. Can SCM generate gate pass of Fabric dispatch?
Ans. Yes, SCM generate gate pass and also fabric (gray) dispatch slip against sales contract no.
Q. Can SCM produce the Fabric History?
Ans. Yes, this is a basic feature of SCM to track the fabric history through a just one code (printed on fabric through fabric printer at the time of packing), SCM also track the running order status (how much the fabric produced, how much is being produced, how much sized and warped)
The SCM Development team is always ready to answer your queries