Our Product Supply Chain Management System is basically Production Planning Software, which Covers Following Modules
Brief description of above modules must satisfy your requirements.
Supply Chain Management System is the major part of ERP. It is centralized database management system, it reduce the duplication of entries, work and it is integrated with your bipix (Financial, purchase, HR, General Store) system and along with integration we can say it the ERP. The main benefit of supply chain management system is integration with existing financial solution of bipix, production plan in terms preparatory plan, loom plan quality wise, order management, tracking traceability.
Detailed Descriptions of all Modules covered in SCM
1. Yarn Module
2. Warping and Sizing Module
3. Connectivity to Weaving monitoring System (LDS)
4. Fabric Inspection and Quality Control Module
5. Production Planning Module
6. Tracking and Trace ability